Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Abstemious Perspective.

9th Official Blog Post in AU. 2 November 2011

We are so good at singing and praying such extreme prayers– I am desperate for you, God. I give you everything– my whole life. I need you more than the AIR I BREATHE!
I do realize how significant these prayers are; my intent is not to mock them. But if you are anything like me, it is easy to sing these songs and overlook the average, yet specific prayers that address our everyday lives. Try it with me:
I need You more than chocolate,
more than caffeine,
more than comfort food.
Father, I need You more than the stuff in my closet.
I need You more than my iPhone.
I need You more than internet.
I need You more than my friends. You are Lord.
I need You more than my brother and sister.
God, I need You more than my parents.
You are LORD.
I need You more than coffee dates and nights out on the town.
I need You more than the comfort of my warm, cozy bed.
Father, I need You more than Facebook.
I need to speak to You more than Twitter.

I need You more than Skype.
Holy Spirit, I need your voice more than YouTube, podcasts, movies, and great musicians.
Sovereign King...
I need You more than a boyfriend.
I need You more than a fiancé and a diamond ring.
I need You, God, more than I need a husband– even if he will be the most incredible partner I can have on earth.
You are LORD.
I need You more than this degree.
I need You more than a career.
I need You more than money, God.
I need you more than I want a family.
Dearest Jesus, I want to be moved by You more than I am persuaded to make my life unfold according to social norms. My schedule should be shaped around spending time with You and going where You lead instead of letting everything else define the meaning of productivity and accomplishment.
Whom do I worship, oh Lord? Who defines my life?
How dare I call you Lord– Master if my life does not reflect such submission before You.

“Do not be quick with your mouth, 
do not be hasty in your heart 
to utter anything before God.
God is in heaven
and you are on earth,
so let your words be few.”
-Ecclesiastes 5:2


mari said...

Oh MY.....Sarah, this prayer is AMAZING. It spoke right into my heart. You are wonderful.

Sarah Renée said...

So glad it blessed you, Mari!!

Julie said...

amen. so true. i totally resonate with this post! hope you're doing well in Australia!!