Monday, October 17, 2011

Mistaking Seasons.

8th Official Blog Post in AU. 17 October 2011.
Moments ago, I was sitting outside. It is a slightly cloudy, spring day here in the southern hemisphere and I had planted myself on a low brick wall near a small fountain. Moments of warm sun came through as the clouds passed by overhead. Brief gusts of wind combed its cold fingers through my hair.
At one moment, I looked down to kick something away from my feet. There at my heels were a small bunch of dried up leaves.
Fall! I moaned in my thoughts, It is supposed to be fall right now, not spring time... look, there are even dried leaves on the ground. Where are the pumpkin spice lattes? What about all the leaves changing color and dying...?
Sarah, I felt the Holy Spirit say, you have repositioned your life before Me. Why are you expecting old patterns to remain the same? You have misunderstood: I have not called you to come and die or be be buried away. Indeed, your season is spring! Flourish, my dear. I have called you here to expand and bloom.
In the confusion of a new season, sometimes it would be nice to burrow deep into soft, warm, darkness underground. However, it is not fall, but spring. The rain keeps falling, sun is shining, and the wind is blowing. The surrounding elements are coaxing me to strengthen my roots, push out from the dirt, expand these leaves and finally bloom.
“There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven...He has made everything appropriate in its time... I know that everything God does will remain forever; there is nothing to add to it and there is nothing to take from it, for God has so worked that men should fear Him.”
–Ecclesiastes 3:1,11,14 (NASB)


Mindy said...

Sarah! I can't believe I haven't seen your blog yet... you put into words everything that I'm thinking/feeling. Thanks for the many encouraging blogs and for being real. :) Love ya lady! -mindy

Sarah Renée said...

Haha, welcome to my blog, Mindy! Aw, thank YOU for that encouragement! I needed it. Love ya too!